Illustrator Interview: Anastasia Cohen

Anastasia Cohen has made the illustration for Kookooo Kitchen’s single on EardrumsPop. She’s not only an illustrator, but also a label-owner herself. Cool In A Crisis is the name of her new cassette-label, well worth checking out. Here is our interview with Anastasia.

Can you give us a short presentation of yourself and your art?
I illustrate, make collages, and screenprint. Victorian unicorns and Russian cartoons play a big part of my life.

How did you get started in the illustration field?
At a tender age of three, I drew this picture of a caveman dragging his wife by the hair, back to his cave. The smiles on their faces were blissfully out of this world, thus the masterpiece was entitled ‘Love In The Stone Age’

What are you working on right now?
Mainly hand-drawn pen and watercolour illustrations. Screenprinting, too. I’ve just launched a cassette tape label [Cool In A Crisis] and all of the covers I design and handprint myself.

What are your favourite tools?
Imagination. Dreams.

Please tell us about the process of making the EardrumsPop-cover! Is this the way you usually work?
I went for a lo-fi and collagey type of look integrating messy illustration with a beautiful photo found in my family archives. I never have a clear idea of what the final product would look like, but the process from start to finish is what makes it exciting!

Who / what are your greatest Visual Inspirations?
Dreams, lo-fi photography, vintage stop-motion. Everyday oddities.

Is music or other forms of art an inspiration? If so, what do you listen to?
Music takes you places visible to you and you only. Inspiration is everywhere.

Describe an average working day.
There’s not too many things average about my days. Being a freelancer, I tend to make my own hours and usually end up mixing work, play, laziness and cups of tea into one big blob of a day.

How did you develop your style? Is it different now than when you started?
I’d probably still draw cavemen and their wives if it weren’t too controversial…

What’s your favorite color?
. Always and forever.

What are your future plans? Any exciting things you are looking forward to?
Hopefully more artwork for various independent record labels and artists. Learning. Always learning

What question and answer would you like to end this interview with?
Sa va? Sa va.

Look out for our Cool In A Crisis’ first release with Sweater Girls and The History of Apple Pie.


EardrumsPop » ePop010 – Kookooo Kitchen

on December 19, 2010, 16:49

[…] Anastasia Cohen […]


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